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Forest Trail


Purposeful Relationships and Communication
Purposeful Grieving Book Cover

Who are you and why are you here? Ah, the great questions of life! You’re not alone if you ponder these questions often! Consider the major identity crisis happening in our society at large. The idea of one’s identity is a hot topic these days, and so many people are desperately seeking validation from peers, social media audiences, and other earthly and external sources.
We have a different message, one of hope, completeness, and unconditional love in Christ. We can speak of something greater than self-love, self-acceptance, and self-care. We can speak of something greater than basic job satisfaction. We can speak of something greater than likes, shares, and comments. We can speak of our identities as they are found in Christ, which means they are made whole in Him, unconditionally loved, and purposefully-designed – destined to fulfill a God-ordained story line on this earth.
Your God, the same God who placed each star in the sky, now holds you and your future in the palm of His hand. He didn’t uniquely create you only to then leave you to your own devices. No! He wants to use you to write His story, in your life and the lives of those around you. He is the real author at work here.
When the world questions who you are, your value, or your worth, remember that you stand in the glow of your Creator, who, as it says in Psalm 139, “created your inmost being, and knit you together in your mother’s womb.” Because God has created you, because He has uniquely gifted you, and because He redeemed you on the cross, He also calls you to serve Him. Ephesians 2 expresses God’s intentions for each of us: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
If you’re seeking guidance in your personal vocation, I’d love to work with you! If you’re looking to ignite your own Purposeful Heart, explore some of the session options and let me know how I might help you.


Each of my offerings below is designed to kick-start your journey toward more effective personal development and communication - the type of communication that allows you to form connections and strengthen relationships every day. These services are customizable! Let's talk through your needs and I'll tailor my approach to your unique situation. If you'd like some topic suggestions, scroll below to view my specializations and past work.

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